Friday, December 25, 2009

Joyeux Noel!

LA PETITE PLUME would like to simply wish all of you a MAGICAL, PINK - A- LICIOUS HOLIDAY SEASON!!!!! This is just a brief message due to being on the yearly CLEAN UP COMMITTEE after my children TORE through their gifts at MIDNIGHT!! They refused to wait for our TRADITIONAL opening of the gifts the next morning, but my HUSBAND was even more happy because now he can SLEEP IN!! Since he already video taped it all last night!


photo courtesy of photobucket


  1. My, my, what a magical blog you have here! I'm making sure to follow! Hope you had a merry and cozy Christmas!

  2. Merci My Queen,

    Thank you for gracing us with your presence and joining our Royal court:) I too hope you had a "SWEET" christmas and a toasty one:)) I, as you know now, just love your blogs!! and will be there very often!

    Royal wishes,


Reading your heartfelt comments day after day just allows me to know a little bit more about each and every one of you:), and this adds happiness to my life. Merci Beaucoup for sharing your thoughts on my Pink -A-licious topics!